Filming Update :)

 Update: Just Filmed Most Of My Footage!

Hi everyone!

This is so exciting! I have just filmed most of my footage this past weekend, and I wanted to dedicate a post to give an update of what is happening next!

Last weekend I dedicated Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to filming. I divided the footage in these two days to take advantage of the different times of day and to divide the work logically.

On Saturday afternoon, I filmed the flash-forward scene with my actors, María and Álex, and I also took the opportunity to take some pictures and record the actor profiles. I will use all this in the next posts where I plan to post separately all the Actor Profiles and the Location Reconnaissance. 

My neighbour is an incredible photographer and he was very kind and lent me a stabiliser and a special tripod that I could twist and turn to make smooth movements with the camera. I used the tripod to the best of my ability, although the stable and generally not-so-mobile nature of shots in Romance films meant that I only used it in some specific shots. Nevertheless, I found them both very useful. 

On Sunday morning, I filmed the morning routine scene and the packing and leaving scene too. We found a place to film that was much better than my living room, and I filmed the dialogue and packing and leaving scenes there, as well as the actor profile.

My next steps will be to make separate posts for the Actor Profiles, further analysis for Props and Costumes and posting the official Shooting Schedule and more material that I can hopefully put together with my footage! I also have to finish the last scene in the car, which I couldn't because I wanted to do it during sunset and I did not have enough time...

Stay tuned to see how everything comes together!

xx Natalia


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